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by: Amanda Bauman, Senior Manager of Community Affairs 

We’ve long been committed to increasing the well-being of the communities where we live and work. We’ve made important contributions through the Campbell Healthy Communities program, the Campbell Soup Foundation, cash and in-kind support and employee volunteerism.


We’re also supporting our Camden community through the N.J. Department of Community Affairs Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) Program. This year, Camden Lutheran Housing, Inc. will receive $700,000 through this program for revitalization work in North Camden. Including this year’s donation, Campbell will have provided $7.7 million to support initiatives in Camden since 2008.


This year’s NRTC funding from Campbell will go towards building new low and moderate-income homes in North Camden and numerous community initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for all North Camden residents.



These initiatives include tree plantings, housing for employed teens, an auto repair start-up and the Block Supporter Initiative (BSI), a program that creates shared pride, respect, and responsibility in Camden neighborhoods while transforming “blight to bright!”


In 2017, the BSI employed 12 part-time area residents, engaged 240 new North Camden households, maintained 36 new vacant lots, hosted 3 family-friendly community celebrations, and held a neighborhood-wide North Camden House Decorating Contest in December. No matter the season, the BSI successfully inspired residents to take pride in their community and do their part to keep it clean and beautiful!



“The Block Supporter Initiative has created so much pride in North Camden – it’s amazing to see the transformation! Residents are cleaning up and beautifying their blocks. We’re providing jobs to neighborhood residents who are becoming leaders and inspiring their neighbors. It’s just been a beautiful thing,” said Betsy Clifford, Executive Director, Camden Lutheran Housing Initiative.


“Through this job, I’m giving back to the community that I once myself was damaging. Seeing the visible difference I’m making is really incredible. I’ve made so many new friends that feel like family. Now, when I walk anywhere in my community, I get so much love from people. They look at me differently and see I’m a part of the solution,” David Marin (pictured from l-r with Julio Negron and Amado Maldonado. 2017 Block Supporter Crew Member


Campbell’s Community Affairs mission is to strengthen and empower healthy communities in our hometowns.  The NRTC program is one way we are investing in long-term, sustainable impact for Camden.


To learn more about the support of our local communities, visit our Corporate Social Responsibility Report and follow @CampbellSoupCo and @CampbellCSR on Twitter.
