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employee holding initial design of product

Inventing and innovating with Makers Culture

Life at Campbell’s

Our Makers Culture movement empowers our employees to be inventors, designers, and tinkerers.

How do we create the next big thing in food? Leaning into our values of Creativity and Collaboration, our Research & Development (R&D) team hosts Makers Hives.

What’s a Makers Hive?

Makers Hives are the beginning of the creative brainstorming process for new products. Here’s how it works:

Step one: Gather employees from across the business—no R&D experience required!

Step two: By combining craft supplies and lots of creativity, employees put themselves into consumer’s shoes by experimenting with the latest trends, directed by our brand teams.

Step three: Employees present their prototypes for what could be the next food or packaging innovation to the R&D team.

Watch how it works:

What happens after a hive?

New prototypes and ideas from our Makers Hives are only the start.

What’s next? Our team of skilled scientists, chefs, and engineers refine the prototypes and bring them to life. They use a variety of ingredients and state of the art equipment, like 3D printers, to create early designs of how a product can look and taste.

The most promising prototypes get evaluated by our innovation advisory team and sent to testing with the potential to eventually land on store shelves!­­

We’ve been proudly making food that connects people for over 150 years. Have an idea for the next big thing?

Join our team and be a part of our Makers Culture.

Life at Campbell’s