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V8 V-Fusion(R) Juices Now Available in Single-Serving Cans

Press Releases

V8 V-Fusion Makes It Easier to Get Vegetables On-the-GoCAMDEN, N.J., Mar 03, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Campbell Soup Company (NYSE:CPB) is now making its popular V8
V-Fusion(R) 100% juice available in single-serving,
8-ounce slim cans. The new cans are available in six-packs at
supermarkets nationwide as well as 24-packs of 11.5-ounce, multi-serve
cans at select club stores.

Available in Pomegranate Blueberry and Strawberry Banana varieties, the
cans are ideal for packing in a purse or in a child’s lunchbox. Each
8-ounce can provides a full serving of vegetables (1/2 cup) and a
full serving of fruit (1/2 cup), as well as essential antioxidant
vitamins A, C and E and no added sugar.

Currently, seven out of ten Americans don’t get their
government-recommended vegetable servings each day, but research
suggests the key to bridging this “vegetable gap” may be to focus on the
factors that are often behind it: convenience and enjoyment.1,2
The makers of V8(R) juice continue to address
these barriers through innovation.

“Most people know that they don’t get enough vegetables – but it can be
challenging to find great-tasting options throughout the day,” said Dale
Clemiss, Vice President, Beverage Marketing, V8 Beverages.
“That’s why we are constantly striving to offer more and more ways to
help people get their vegetables any time, anywhere through new products
like V8 V-Fusion cans.”

Helping Ensure a Healthier Generation

The 8-ounce slim cans of V8 V-Fusion(R)juice
are also a part of Campbell’s North America Foodservice division’s
effort to expand its line of beverages that meet the Alliance for a
Healthier Generation’s nutritional requirements for products served in

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation is a partnership between the
American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation and
supporting products are sold in participating schools nationwide. Other
Campbell beverages that meet the requirements include 5.5-ounce cans of V8(R)
100% vegetable juice, 5.5-ounce cans of V8 Low Sodium Vegetable
juice and 5.5-ounce cans of V8 Spicy Hot vegetable juice.

New Flavors on Shelves: Cranberry Blackberry and Acai Mixed Berry

Campbell is also adding two new delicious, on-trend varieties of V8
: Cranberry Blackberry and Acai Mixed Berry Light which are
available in 46-ounce bottles. The addition of these new varieties
brings the V8V-Fusionjuiceportfolio to 12
juices and juice drinks, including Goji Raspberry, Passionfruit
Tangerine, Acai Mixed Berry, Pomegranate Blueberry, Pomegranate
Blueberry Light, Strawberry Banana, Strawberry Banana Light, Peach
Mango, Peach Mango Light and Tropical Orange.

V8 V-Fusion juices and juice drinks are available in a variety of
sizes at most grocery, mass merchandise, convenience and club stores
nationwide. The suggested retail price for a 6-pack of 8-ounce slim cans
is $4.99, $14.88 for a 24-pack of 11.5 ounce cans and $3.99 for a
46-ounce bottle. For more information, visit

About Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup Company is a global manufacturer and marketer of
high-quality foods and simple meals, including soup, baked snacks, and
healthy beverages. Founded in 1869, the company has a portfolio of
market-leading brands, including “Campbell’s,” “Pepperidge Farm,”
“Arnott’s,” and “V8.” For more information on the company visit
Campbell’s website at

1 Casagrande SS, Wang Y, Anderson C, Gary TL. Have Americans
Increased their Fruit and Vegetable Intake? The Trends Between 1988 and
2002. Am J Prev Med 2007; 32:257-63.

2 Kazaks AG, Holt RR, Shenoy SF, Foreyt JP, Reeves RS,
Winters BL, Khoo CS, Poston WSC, Haddock CK, Keen CL. Incorporation of
vegetable juice into a diet can reduce the gap between vegetable intake
and dietary recommendations and is associated with improved risk factors
linked to vascular disease. Poster presented at: FAV Health 2009. 3rd
International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruit and Vegetables;
2009 Oct 18-21; Avignon, France.

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SOURCE: Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup Company
Juli Mandel Sloves, 856-342-3717
[email protected]
Weber Shandwick
Emily Jane Watt, 312-988-2212
[email protected]
Press Releases