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Providing pandemic relief in our hometowns


When the pandemic began, we committed to helping our hometown communities by supporting local organizations to ease the social and economic impact of COVID-19.

COVID-19 relief

$9 M

in food and financial support.

Since then, the Campbell Soup Foundation launched a grant program that provided relief to organizations across Campbell communities in North America. This program recently awarded 25 additional grants, bringing our total contributions to 67 COVID-19 Community Recovery Grants and over $9 million in food and financial support since the start of the pandemic.

Meet a few of these organizations and learn how they’re making a difference:

volunteers packing food
Volunteers sorting vegetables at Working Theory Farm

Working Theory Farm

A first-time grantee in Tualatin, Oregon—the hometown of Pacific Foods—Working Theory Farm empowers youth through the work of farming. They provide alternative education and employment to youth through growing vegetables and raising livestock on their certified organic farm. The youth grow food for partner organizations who distribute this food to families in need.

Children at the Boys & Girls Club of Paris
Children at the Boys & Girls Club of Paris

Boys & Girls Club of Paris, Texas

Near our Meals & Beverages plant in Paris, Texas, the Boys & Girls Club of Paris understands that for a child to be productive they need to be nourished, so they’re dedicated to providing kids in need with healthy meals. This relief grant will help them expand their facilities to accommodate even more children and to keep up with the costs of enhanced cleaning protocols.

volunteer packing food
Loaves & Fishes volunteer, Danielle, packing boxes of food

Loaves and Fishes

Loaves and Fishes is fighting hunger in our Campbell Snacks community of Charlotte, North Carolina. For more than 45 years, they’ve been providing a week’s worth of nutritious food to families and individuals experiencing food insecurity. In 2020, they served 120,000 clients, and they pivoted operations to safely deliver food to those at-risk through their home delivery program.

chefs holding food
Chef Tee and Chef Clarence from Open Door Shelter

Open Door Shelter

Open Door Shelter provides the homeless with housing stability and healthy food in the Greater Norwalk, Connecticut area—one of our Campbell Snacks communities. This relief grant will help them provide more fresh food options, like fruits, vegetables and proteins, for those in need.

Student gardening in UrbanPromise’s after school program
Student gardening in UrbanPromise’s after school program


UrbanPromise is equipping children and young adults in our hometown of Camden, New Jersey with the skills necessary for academic achievement and life management. They’ll use the grant to incorporate healthy eating, physical activity, and well-being programming into their in-person and virtual after school and summer programs.

Here is the full list of recipients from our latest round of relief grants:

Giving back to our communities

We’re proud to strengthen and empower healthy communities in our hometowns and support the neighborhoods where our employees live and work.

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