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Campbell Soup Company and the National Association of Letter Carriers Team up to Stamp Out Hunger!

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Nation’s Largest Food Drive Helps Millions of Americans

CAMDEN, NJ (May 5, 2008) — On Saturday, May 10, Campbell Soup Company will join forces with the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) to Stamp Out Hunger! across America. Now in its 16th year, the Stamp Out Hunger! effort is the nation’s largest single-day food drive, having collected more than 836 million pounds of food since its inception in 1993.

To help Stamp Out Hunger! this year, simply leave a sturdy bag containing non-perishable foods, such as canned soup, canned vegetables, pasta, rice or cereal next to your mailbox prior to the time of regular mail delivery on May 10. Food items should be in non-breakable containers, such as boxes and cans. The nation’s 230,000 letter carriers will then collect donations from homes across the country and deliver them to food bank members of America’s Second Harvest – The Nation’s Food Bank Network and other hunger relief organizations in more than 10,000 local communities.

“Hunger continues to be a vital issue in this country,” said William H. Young, NALC president. “Many Americans may miss the faces of hunger, but we see it daily out on our routes. The problem is hunger can strike anyone – the elderly, the working class and even innocent children. That’s why we need your help to make a real difference.”

According to America’s Second Harvest, more than 35 million people are food insecure, hungry or at risk of hunger. Approximately one in four people in a soup kitchen line is a child.


Campbell is kicking off the 16th Annual Stamp Out Hunger! effort by donating one million pounds of food to food banks across the country.

“An integral part of our corporate mission is to nourish people’s lives everywhere, every day,” said Douglas R. Conant, Campbell’s president and chief executive officer. “Our commitment to the letter carriers and their extraordinary food drive is an important part of our efforts to fulfill this mission and I hope millions of Americans will join us this year to help Stamp Out Hunger!

For more information about the annual Stamp Out Hunger! effort in your community, ask your letter carrier, contact your local post office or visit

About Campbell Soup Company

Campbell Soup Company is a global manufacturer and marketer of high quality foods and simple meals, including soup, baked snacks, and vegetable-based beverages. Founded in 1869, the company has a portfolio of market-leading brands, including “Campbell’s,” “Pepperidge Farm,” “Arnott’s,” and “V8.” For more information on the company, visit Campbell’s website at

Mike Gehrig
[email protected]

John Faulkner
[email protected]

Press Releases